2016-2017 Season Begins
A new season is upon us… are you ready? Starting this Saturday, several area bowling centers will begin their registration and/or league preview days… with some leagues starting as early as next Saturday (8/20). Check out the bowling center pages on this site for Fall Registration information.
What’s new this year?
Here are just a few changes we’ve made based upon feedback received:
- All youth league bowlers will receive a special gift from the association at registration.
- We have new annual awards, including one to recognize those who recruit brand new youth bowlers to join leagues.
- The Annual City Tournament will take place in November (not February).
- The Challenge Tournament now includes a “Baker-format” game, plus more teams will qualify for the year-end invitational tournament.
- The JJBT tournaments will have the final match recorded & posted online.
- The Travel League will be including match-play every week.