Volunteer Opportunities

Our youth bowling programs rely on the talents and time commitments of adult volunteers. We welcome enthusiastic, positive, and dedicated individuals who want to make the First Coast USBC Youth bowling programs among the best in the nation.

Below are the current and upcoming opportunities for volunteers at the Association level… see your Center Youth Director for those at the league / center level. All volunteers must be active RVP’s to serve in any capacity, unless between the ages of 14-17. Please email fcusbcyouth@gmail.com or contact the Chairperson regarding any of the volunteer opportunities you are interested in fulfilling.

  • Youth Committee Chairperson (role being vacated by 8/1/2020): Lead Youth Committee Meetings, provide updates to the Board on youth tournaments and events.
  • Board Youth Directors (3 vacant seats): Terms are for 3 years and are determined by voting at the Annual Meeting in April, unless appointed by the Board President to fill a vacancy.
  • Center Youth Director for Bowl America Southside: Run youth program at that center and represent the center at Committee Meetings.
  • Youth Leaders Advisors (2): Provide guidance to the Youth Leaders Chapter (meetings, fundraising, running tournaments).
  • Subcommittee Leads / Members: All of our tournaments and the Travel League have their own subcommittees — those who design, prepare, and run each event. Leads and members are selected at the March Youth Committee meeting, though members can be added at any time.
  • Youth Website Contributor: Makes routine updates to the website such as new posts, updating calendar info, etc.
  • Social Media Contributor: Makes frequent updates to Facebook pages and groups, such as event recaps, announcements, etc.