Honor Scores: Week Ending 9/17/16

Here are the top scores bowled in leagues during the week ending 9/17/16:


Bowl America Orange Park – Tuesday Teens league – 9/13
Scratch Game: Scratch Series:
Boys: 239 James Darling
234 Chris Vetter
223,215,202 Kyle Kohler
218,215 Evan Walsh
212 Shane Mathis
211 Sal LaRosa
201 Brandon Belz
640 Kyle Kohler
614 Evan Walsh
585 Chris Vetter
Girls: 204,193,187 Harley Romedy 584 Harley Romedy
487 Chyna Romedy
471 Kassidy Hartman
Bowl America Orange Park – Keglers league – 9/17
Scratch Game: Scratch Series:
Boys: 249 Gavin Baum
229,202 Marc Jacobson Jr
180 Joe Whitman
577 Marc Jacobson Jr
560 Gavin Baum
508 Ethan Russell
Girls: 147,121,107 Emerson Jacobson
105 Jacqueline Brecht
375 Emerson Jacobson
272 Jacqueline Brecht
236 Mackenzie Miller
Bowl America Orange Park – Sharpshooters league – 9/17
Boys: 125 Travis Willard
122 Patrick Waters
117 Patrick Waters
336 Patrick Waters
185 Travis Willard
282 Jacob Williams
Girls: 147,122,119 Katie Waters 388 Katie Waters

If you do not see your center’s honor scores or believe the displayed information is incorrect, please contact your center’s Youth Director.