Quarterly Review: Aug-Oct 2018
From the FCUSBC Youth Committee Chairperson,
What a tremendous first three months of the 2018-2019 youth bowling season! I am very pleased to see strong participation overall in youth leagues and tournaments, and the accomplishments just keep stacking up. Here are some highlights from the past three months:
- The JJBT has already awarded over $1400 in scholarships!
- The NFSSS has already awarded 15 Junior Gold spots, in addition to scholarship funds awarded and added to the year-end scholarship pool!
- Challenge Tournament participation is the highest in several years!
- Travel League participation is up almost 50% from last year!
- Three youth bowlers have accomplished their first sanctioned 300 game (one was on a sport shot pattern)!
- Our local Youth Leaders chapter elected new youth officers and is looking to grow, both in numbers and in leadership skills!
- Enhanced use of technology within the JJBT and Challenge tournaments!
What’s on the horizon for the next three months? Quite a lot! Regional tournaments like Landen and USA Bowling (Baker teams)… Pepsi / FL Handicap tournament qualifying during youth leagues… local monthly tournaments like JJBT, NFSSS, Challenge.. and special events including the Christmas Classic, Ray Potts Memorial, and of course our Annual City Championship! Let’s also not forget to show appreciation for volunteers, coaches, and past youth bowlers by nominating them for annual recognition.
We want your feedback… what is working well, what could be improved, etc… as that is how we can make the experience better for everyone. Please share constructive feedback frequently with your center director or with me directly.
Keep up the momentum!
Ryan Waters, USBC Silver Coach and First Coast USBC Youth Committee Chair