Baker Bash Registration Link

Here is the link to register for the 2021 Baker Bash, which will be held at 10am on Sunday, October 24th at Yulee Bowling & Amusements >>>
This event is currently limited to First Coast USBC youth bowlers under age 15 (as of 8/1/2021) and teams will be drafted a week before the event. Cost is $20/bowler. If registrations are lower than expected, the event may expand to include U18 bowlers.

Youth Leaders Meeting Rescheduled for 10/3

The First Coast Youth Leaders will have their annual membership meeting on Saturday, October 3rd at 3:00pm at Jax Lanes (upstairs meeting room). All USBC youth members interested in participating in the Youth Leaders are encouraged to attend. Election of officers will take place at this meeting. All those interested in running for office need to compete an “Intent to Run” form from the Youth Leaders page and return it to OR bring to the meeting.
Please note: due to limited room space, the meeting is intended for Youth Leaders members and Advisors only.

2020-2021 All-City Teams Announced

The four 2020-2021 Youth All-City Teams have just been announced. Each team member is being awarded $50 into their SMART scholarship accounts — with 20 total team members, that’s $1,000 in SMART money awarded based on performance last season (among participants in the Youth City Tournament).

For details about the All-City Tournament teams, visit the All-City Teams recognition page.